Saturday, December 8, 2007

december daily: the next "Sid the Kid"....

When we lived at "home" on a 2 acre property, Ron managed to create a fair size arena in our back yard for us to skate on, but in this province we have only a half-acre to enjoy. Persistance has paid off, and Daddy has managed to carve out a small piece of ice in our mainly sloped backyard so that "Sid the Kid" can practice his shots after supper. The only drawback here is that although the super cold weather is great for ice-making, it is not so great for little fingers & toes. We put him out for only 30 minutes at a time when it is colder than -15. He doesn't complain about the cold and I am sure that he would stay out much longer if we allowed. He is hockey crazy and has been since he was very little...

Hunter & I just got back from skating & the boys just got back from Tyler's hockey at 7:15 am & then Ron's hockey at 10 am. Hunter & I are off to the grocery store to pick up some groceries and Ron just told me to pick up some ice cream. I am NOT going to go look in the freezer to see what happened to the other 2 tubs.... I am not even going to bother. Did I mention shameless ice cream glutton??????

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